Thursday, August 6, 2009

Camping, and other excuses.

So, we really fell off the deep end there for a while, didn't we? No posts in, well, many days, and that after six consecutive days posting at the start of this blog's existence. There was camping, oh, was there camping, that got in the way a tad (hard to blog when you don't even have access to a phone), but there was also the inescapable fact that teaching isn't really the most relevant topic during the summertime. And since this is supposed to be a blog about teaching and not a collection of witty observations about Major League Baseball, I took a break.

Let's get right back into it. Here's Reason Number Three I'm a bad teacher: I left a big chunk of my planning for the end of the summer. Since school starts early around these parts, I'm in critical danger of running out of time here. As in, I should be done before tomorrow, just in time for orientation. I've got my syllabi all set, as well as my course outlines, but not my classroom management plan. Just to make things interesting, I still don't have a book for one of my classes. Always interesting planning to teach something when you don't have a text to base lessons on. Whatever.

Anyway, we're back in action for the school year, hopefully better than ever.

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