Thursday, July 9, 2009

To start, a confession.

I may not actually be a bad teacher, at least not as bad as the woman in the banner. I certainly do not have a red lightsaber. If I had a lightsaber, I'm pretty sure mine would be a nice aquamarine. And though this clearly proves that I am not an evil jedi, I'm not sure what it says about me as a teacher. I am new, with just about a year and some student teaching under my belt, and easily distracted. It really doesn't take much.

For example, there I was, in the middle of notes on participles or some other middle school English nonsense, and this pops into my head:

"I'm a mother lover, you're a mother lover, we should f*ck each others' mothers..."

Now, as entertaining as this SNL digital short is, it has no place in the classroom, unless by "classroom" you mean "bar." Of course, instead of doing what any rational, sane person would do and burying the song deep down so I could focus on the lesson, I started half-humming, half-singing along as I switched transparencies. I may have thrown in a few embarrassing subliminal dance moves as well, I'm not sure.

Of course, then I had to explain my lack of dance skills and why I couldn't do something called the "stanky leg." So much for participles.

Where was I? Oh yes, distraction, and much of it. That may be a theme of this blog. It should, really should focus on my classroom misadventures, but of course other things will pop up here and there. I apologize in advance for any gag-inducing jokes, reviews of superhero movies, and Ghostbusters references. There will likely be a few.

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