Sunday, August 23, 2009

Act of badteaching interrupting badblogging.

Ideally, this would've been a recap of the first week's lessons and it would've been posted this past Friday. Unfortunately, it isn't, and it wasn't. No, this whole school thing is getting in the way. There was the grading, oh yes, the grading, which is not even close to being done. And there was the @(%#@* yearbook, which refused to be finally put to bed despite my best editorial efforts. I swear I'll be haranguing students about next year's edition while making inconsequential edits to the old one. Then there were the peaks and valleys of planning three brand new courses to start the year.

Of course, here I am complaining about how my time has been ill-used over the past week, and I just spent about fifteen minutes finding this picture to the right. Look at it, though. Worth every second. Is that an alligator he's holding? And what's going on in the background there?

Suffice it to say that the school year's off to an invigorating start.

Also, John Oliver is awesome. If he's coming to your city, or even a city near you, and you enjoy things that are fun and entertaining, go see his show. You'll never feel so indebted to the British Empire.

1 comment:

  1. It's like you blog what I think. First thought opening the page was where the hell does he find these pics... clearly answered.
