Tuesday, August 11, 2009

And now, a Haiku about New Teacher Orientation.

Your meetings and paperwork
Drown me in sorrow.

Okay, so it's not all bad. Alas, teachers are not free from the soul-sucking meetings that singe the backsides of cubicle jockeys the world over. Today, for instance, my interminable desk-carrying was interrupted by six hours of chair meetings, training, accreditation seminars and semi-mandatory meals. I spent so much time sitting and listening that my legs hurt. That's definitely a new one.

Of course, some of this time was well spent. I spent a thrilling two hours in a life-altering behavioral management seminar that may threaten my status as a Bad Teacher (not likely). Everything starts with stability (of the classroom environment) and significance (of the material taught). If students find either of these elements lacking, they will surely immolate even the nicest teacher, no matter how many stickers he/she doles out. That's what they apparently teach at Michigan State, at any rate. Maybe without the burning and the fire.

But did all of this sitting and listening and hand-cramping note taking help me finish my course outlines? No. So I'm working on them right now. Yes, late into the evening. Hey - even the worst teachers have to do work sometimes.

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